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RueBaRue gives you the tools you need to save time, wow your guests and reduce repetitive guest calls by more than 50%.

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TopĀ Features

Comprehensive Digital Guestbooks

RueBaRue offers digital guestbooks that compile all necessary arrival, home, and local area information into one easy-to-access guide. This feature eliminates the need for physical manuals and provides guests with a seamless experience by including text, photos, and instructional videos. Guests receive these guides via text or email before their arrival, allowing them to plan their stay effortlessly.

Efficient Guest Communication

RueBaRue's guest messaging platform streamlines communication between property managers and guests through text automation and a unified text inbox. This system reduces repetitive phone calls by over 50% and enhances the guest experience by providing real-time responses and updates. The platform also supports web chat, surveys, and Google reviews, ensuring a comprehensive communication strategy that boosts guest satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Enhanced Revenue Management

RueBaRue helps property managers increase revenue by optimizing booking gaps and promoting extended stays. The platform's automated stay extension offers are sent via text, filling vacant nights and maximizing occupancy rates. This feature not only boosts revenue but also improves the overall guest experience by offering flexible stay options.

Customizable Property and Destination Guides

RueBaRue allows property managers to create fully customizable property and destination guides. These guides include detailed information about the home, local attractions, dining options, and activities. The customization options ensure that each guide is tailored to the specific property and guest preferences, providing a personalized touch that enhances guest satisfaction and engagement.


Pros & Cons


The tool offers a highly intuitive user interface, making it easy for users to navigate and perform tasks efficiently. This meets user needs for quick adaptability and reduces the learning curve.
Its robust performance capabilities ensure that even with heavy usage, the tool maintains fast response times. This is crucial for maintaining productivity.
Cloud-based functionality allows for seamless access from any device with an internet connection, catering to the modern workforce's need for flexibility.


Limited offline functionality may pose challenges for users without consistent internet access, impacting usability in remote areas.
The pricing model could be a barrier for small businesses or individual users due to higher costs associated with premium features.
Customer support is not available 24/7, which can lead to delays in resolving issues and reduce user satisfaction during critical times.


RueBaRue streamlines guest management by offering comprehensive digital guestbooks that compile essential arrival, home, and local area details into one easily accessible guide, complete with text, photos, and videos, reducing repetitive guest calls by over 50%. Its efficient guest communication platform uses text automation and a unified inbox for real-time responses and updates, enhancing guest experience and operational efficiency. The tool also optimizes revenue by promoting extended stays through automated text offers, filling booking gaps, and maximizing occupancy. Customizable property and destination guides provide guests with tailored information on local attractions and amenities. While RueBaRue features an intuitive interface and robust performance, it is limited by its pricing model and lack of 24/7 customer support.

RueBarue Video

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