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Optimize prices for vacation rentals with Rented's Automated Rate Tool.

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TopĀ Features

Automated Rate Tool

The Automated Rate Tool enables vacation rental professionals to optimize their nightly prices effortlessly. It provides dynamic pricing recommendations based on curated data sets, ensuring that the suggested rates are highly relevant to each listing and its market. Users can quickly make detailed custom adjustments for dynamic pricing with ease, whether for multiple contiguous days, non-contiguous days, or entire weekends, ensuring their pricing strategy is always on point and adaptable.

Seasonality Adjustments and Custom Tags

Rented's platform offers comprehensive seasonality adjustments, allowing users to modify their seasonality curves to better fit their properties' sensitivity to market changes. This feature enables users to visualize and confirm adjustments before applying them. Additionally, the tool's customization options with limitless tags, such as pet-friendly or waterfront, allow for easy sorting, filtering, and pricing modifications. These custom tags enable granular targeting and adjustments to specific groups of properties, significantly enhancing user engagement and efficiency.

Time-Based Premiums & Discounts

The tool allows users to add up to 10 layered time-based premiums or discounts, providing flexibility in rate adjustments. This feature is particularly beneficial for applying rate changes over specific periods, such as increasing rates by a specific percentage on weekends or applying discounts after a set number of days. These powerful, time-based modifications enable users to fine-tune their pricing strategies to maximize revenue and respond swiftly to market demands.


Pros & Cons


Rented offers an Automated Rate Tool that simplifies the process of setting nightly prices for vacation rental properties, making it highly convenient for users. This tool is enriched with dynamic pricing capabilities and provides recommended nightly rates, giving users a substantial head start on their pricing strategy. Seasonality adjustments allow users to tailor their pricing to their property's market sensitivity, effectively meeting user needs for customized pricing.

Additionally, Rented includes features like customized and limitless tags, making it easy to sort and filter properties based on specific attributes such as pet-friendly or waterfront. The platform's ease of use, highlighted by the Tape Chart and the ability to quickly make changes for specific days or entire months, enhances user efficiency.

The availability of full-service Revenue Managers ensures that users can get professional, hands-on support when needed. This combination of automated tools and expert support helps users maximize their revenue, making Rented a comprehensive solution for vacation rental optimization.


While Rented offers powerful tools, there is a potential learning curve associated with fully utilizing all its features, particularly for users who may not be tech-savvy. The customization options, while advantageous, could overwhelm users who prefer straightforward solutions.

Additionally, the reliance on curated data sets means that the quality of the dynamic pricing models is heavily dependent on the data accuracy and relevance. Inaccurate or outdated data could lead to suboptimal pricing strategies


Rented's Automated Rate Tool streamlines pricing optimization for vacation rental professionals by providing dynamic, data-driven pricing recommendations tailored to individual listings and markets. Users can make detailed adjustments for various days or entire weekends, adapting their pricing strategies seamlessly. Seasonality adjustments and limitless custom tags enable precise modifications and enhanced property sorting. The tool also offers up to 10 time-based premiums or discounts, improving flexibility in rate changes. Despite its powerful features, users may face a learning curve, and the quality of pricing strategies relies heavily on the accuracy and relevance of curated data.

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