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Boost rental revenue & site traffic today.

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Top Features

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Paid Search

BIZCOR® offers advanced SEO and Paid Search services designed to prioritize your vacation rental listings in search results. By leveraging targeted keywords and optimizing your web presence, the tool ensures your properties appear at the top of search engine results pages, driving more organic traffic to your site. The focus on high-ranking placements attracts potential homeowners, significantly increasing the visibility of your properties and enhancing user engagement.

Email Marketing Strategies

With BIZCOR®’s comprehensive email marketing strategies, the tool taps into the often-overlooked potential of repeat guests. By crafting personalized and engaging email campaigns, it keeps past guests informed about new offerings, special promotions, and updates. This consistent communication fosters loyalty, prompting repeat bookings and deepening customer relationships. Such strategic email marketing elevates user engagement by maintaining a direct line of communication with your audience.

Direct Booking Strategies

BIZCOR® focuses on reducing dependencies on Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) by implementing proven strategies to drive direct bookings. This not only decreases commission fees but also strengthens your brand’s presence on the web. By developing a robust rental site and focusing on your unique offerings, the tool allows you to capture and convert leads directly, resulting in increased rental revenue and a more personalized guest experience. This innovative approach empowers property owners to have greater control and customization over their booking processes.


Pros & Cons


Bizcor's Vacation Rental Marketing services are designed to drive site traffic, increase rental revenue, and attract more homeowners, effectively meeting key business objectives for vacation rental companies. By leveraging SEO, PPC, and email marketing, Bizcor provides a multi-faceted approach to enhance online visibility and direct bookings, which can significantly reduce reliance on distribution channels and increase profitability. Their strategic focus on "BOOK DIRECT" strategies addresses the need for building a strong, independent online presence amid rising OTA fees, ultimately fostering a more controlled and sustainable business model for vacation rental owners.


While Bizcor offers comprehensive digital marketing services, the shift away from distribution channels may require significant upfront investment and time to see substantial results. Smaller vacation rental companies or those with limited budgets might find it challenging to allocate resources for SEO and PPC campaigns. Additionally, as Google transitions from Universal Analytics to GA4, there may be a learning curve and potential data migration issues that could impact tracking and reporting effectiveness. These factors could temporarily hinder user satisfaction due to the complexity and costs involved in fully adopting Bizcor's solutions.


Bizcor is a powerful tool designed to boost rental revenue and site traffic by prioritizing vacation rental listings in search results through advanced SEO and paid search services. It drives organic traffic by leveraging targeted keywords, increasing visibility, and enhancing user engagement. Bizcor's email marketing strategies keep past guests engaged with personalized campaigns, fostering loyalty and prompting repeat bookings. Additionally, Bizcor reduces reliance on online travel agencies by implementing direct booking strategies that strengthen your brand’s web presence and decrease commission fees. While Bizcor offers comprehensive marketing solutions, smaller companies might face challenges due to initial investment costs and the complexities of SEO and PPC campaigns.

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